
The circus project Circo Fantazztico run by our partner organisation VIDA NUEVA offers children and youths coming from poor districts
The aim is to preserve indigenous culture CIFA (Cambodia Indigenous Friendship Association) works with the Bunong indigenous community in north-east
Sustainable livelihoods thanks to school gardens  ASUD (Action for Sustainable Development) works together with five primary schools and the surrounding
Our partner organisation  IDEMNNA (Instituto de Desarrollo „Maria Elena Moyano“) works with women and their children in an outer district
SIEDS (Society for Informal Education and Development Studies) works on the issue of violence against women in Bangalore, India. Part
In northern Malawi, our partner organisation ASUD supports primary schools in setting up permaculture school gardens. By promoting sustainable agriculture,
Our partner organisation FENAMAD supports indigenous students in the Peruvian Amazon who have to move to the city for their
Our partner organisation BSDA (Buddhism for Social Development Action) has created holistic educational and vocational training programmes for socially vulnerable
Our local partner organisation KODO (Kuthandiza Osayenda Disability Outreach) supports farmers with walking disabilities in the areas of mobility, income
In Cusco, Peru, indigenous children produce bilingual and intercultural radio programmes at school. They are thus actively involved in the
In Ng'ongo, a remote village in the north of Malawi, the village community, supported by ASUD (Action for Sustainable Development),
Thousands of people from all parts of Peru move to the capital city in the hope of a better life.