Social circus in Costa Rica
The social circus of Circo Fantazztico offers children and young people from San Isidro, Costa Rica, an alternative to criminalisation in gangs and the lack of prospects in their difficult social environment. It promotes the skills and self-confidence of the participants and gives them the opportunity to experiment with their own abilities and to grow in various areas of life in a safe and free space.
Photo report from the project in Costa Rica

The play that Circo Fantazztico takes on tour is developed by the artists themselves. Costa Rican artists and their works serve as their inspiration, which usually results in a very poetic circus performance.

The skills of the artists and their favourite disciplines also play a decisive role. The original play is further developed during the tour and adapted to the spatial conditions of each performance venue. Like this, the shows vary from venue to venue, but this does not upset the children and young adults at all. On the contrary, they respond to the different stage conditions with impressive flexibility and composure and are inspired by new challenges.

It is also important for the artists to interact with the audience and receive direct feedback from them. The diverse experiences and impressions they gather on their tour are ultimately taken home with them, where they share them with the other children and young people in the project. In this way, each performance becomes a valuable enrichment for the entire group.

When Circo Fantazztico performs, you can feel how strongly the group of children and young adults stick together and trust each other. This mutual trust creates a special dynamic and is a key reason for the fascination that their performances evoke in the audience.

At the same time, mutual trust and a good team spirit are prerequisites for the success of the stunts, which are often demanding and dangerous as well. Whether in the risky aerial acrobatics or the many-headed pyramids – the artists rely on each other blindly and can only master the challenges as a team.

The sense of community is a core value in the Circo Fantazztico project. It shows the young artists that they are strong together and can achieve great things. Especially in their difficult social and economic environment at home, this experience is invaluable.

Anyeli is 13 years old and has been part of Circo Fantazztico for two years. For her, the Circo means more than just acrobatics and stunts.

„At the Circo, I’m with lots of lovely people. We learn together and we stick together. It’s a happy place and that makes me a happy and friendly person. The Circo has made my life happier, without it I would be missing something! I like everything on tour, I only miss my mum, my brother and my little dog. My favourite part is the show itself, I’m completely free and I like the direct contact with the audience.“ Anyeli, left

Luana, 21 years old, has also been part of Circo Fantazztico for two years and is one of the passionate young artists who help shape the project.

„It was love at first sight. The Circo gives you tools and shows you possibilities, but you are completely free to do what you want. The Circo is a safe space where participants can discover talents they didn’t realise they had. On tour, I really like the way people react to our performance. When I’m on stage, I’m myself and the puppet Cocorí at the same time and together with my colleague I make Cocorí come alive“
Luana, right

Fabricio, 20 years old, has been part of Circo Fantazztico for three years and has now become an experienced member who even leads training sessions for children.

„I was a reserved person and the Circo helped me to discover my talents and make new friends. At the Circo, we are all like children, we live in the moment, fascinated by the possibilities and simply happy. In the district of Cocorí there are young people who are attracted to a bad environment and run the risk of being drawn into it. The Circo tries to motivate them to take part in the training sessions and find different perspectives. It’s a project for the community.“ Fabricio, left

These examples show that Circo Fantazztico thrives on a strong community in which the children and young people support each other. These spaces not only create a place of learning, but also a protected space in which friendships are formed and talents and new perspectives are discovered.